Accelerate Your Growth šŸš€

Work with an experienced Fractional COO to get unstuck. Lean into your strengths and accelerate your growth.

Who Works with a Fractional COO?

Seed & Series A Founders

Early stage founders require a relentless focus on finding product market fit, and look to a fractional COO to provide the operations leadership to manage the rest. Once PMF is achieved, the fractional COO transitions into supporting growth and scale, eventually hiring on a full time COO as a successor.


There are 3 main use cases for a fractional COO in an Agency; (1) A referral partner for your clientsā€™ operational needs. (2) An outsourced project manager for your agency work. (3) Operations support for your agency itself.

Small Business Owners

A small business requires constant daily decision-making that keeps the owner working in the business rather than on the business. A fractional COO serves as a triaging partner to give the owner breathing room, while systematically addressing the underlying processes needed to enable the business to operate more efficiently.

VC & PE Firms

As a Venture Capital or Private Equity firm, you place bets with calculated risk. A fractional COO is a strategic investment to further de-risk your investments. Whether by providing experienced management to young leaders, or strategic planning and disciplined execution for turnaround projects.


Working on your own can be a lonely endeavor. Partnering with a fractional COO provides a sounding board, a business therapist, and an experienced operator to support your business infrastructure so you can maximize the time you spend delivering value to your clients, instead of worrying about invoicing or project management.

Law & Accounting Firms

Similar to agencies, Law & Accounting Firms can leverage a fractional COO as a referral partner as operations are intimately linked with finance and legal matters.

Fractional COO Use Cases

A Fractional COO is like a Swiss army knife for your business. Imagine all the things piling up on your to-do list as a founder or business owner. You canā€™t just delegate them to your team because (a) theyā€™re already swamped, and (b) theyā€™d still need lots of your time to get the job done.

A Fractional COO has the bandwidth and experience to tackle the growing list of to-doā€™s with minimal oversight and proactive reporting, resulting in things getting done.

    • Budgeting & forecasting

    • Cash flow management (or burn rate)

    • Expense optimization

    • Finanial reporting & analysis

    • Bookkeeping & accounting magagement

    • Headcount planning

    • Process mapping & improvement

    • Supply chain planning & optimization

    • Quality control

    • Vendor & contract management

    • Data reporting & visualization

    • Business strategy development

    • Market analysis

    • Long-term goal setting (OKRs)

    • Scenario planning

    • Organizational structure development

    • Talent acquisition & retention

    • HR admin & benefits

    • Performance management systems

    • Training & development programs

    • Sales processes & infrastructure

    • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems

    • Market expansion and growth tactics

    • Competitive landscaping

    • Project planning and execution

    • Cross-departmental coordination

    • Milestone tracking

    • Resource allocation

Delegate Your Backoffice

šŸ’² Finance

Manage your burn. Optimize your margins. Build financial confidence.

Discover More

šŸ“Š Management

Become a great place to work that attracts and retains top talent.

Explore Further

šŸ‘„ Team

Build a resilient business, based on enterprise value.

Learn How

Get a Free Assessment

Schedule a free 30min call to talk through your top 2-3 pain points, dig into the underlying drivers, and get actionable next steps for addressing the core issues.

Getting an objective outsider perspective will help either validate your assumptions, or surface new angles to approach the problem.

Social Proof šŸ’¬

  • I highly recommend Parham for operations consulting services. His proficiency, reliability, and strategic approach make him an invaluable asset to any business.

    Evan S, CEO at The Gleamery


  • Parham was a pleasure to work with, as he is extremely organized and kept us on track towards achieving our goals. His curiosity and willingness to assist us in achieving success were exceptional.

    Peter F, COO at Pacific Smoke International


  • From the outset, Parham demonstrated expertise, professionalism, and dedication by asking the right questions, solving problems and leading our team week over week in executing the project.

    Ariston L, CFO at Hedley & Bennett


  • Parham is thoroughly efficient, no wasted time, his advice is as clear as it is sharp and immediately actionable. He will challenge your idea and project and will actively help you establish the problem, your solution, the budget and expertise you need, and the goals to work on.

    Aldo P, CEO at Omios Biologics


  • At 2Forks, we would have been lost without Parhamā€™s ability to wrangle all our data from disparate sources, interpret what was important, and create accurate, insightful dashboards. Parhamā€™s work didnā€™t just bring us operational excellence; it brought us confidence in our decisions and a stronger, more collaborative team.

    David W, CEO at 2Forks


  • Parham was very patient and took a methodical approach to business. He made sure to really understand the business and do the research before providing recommendations. The fees were reasonable and he seemed like he truly cared to see us succeed versus just trying to bill by hour like other consultants.

    Brett G, Partner at CannaBIZ Collects


How It Works

ā˜Žļø Initial Call(s)

This is free. Weā€™ll discuss your pain points and determine if this is the right fit.

Scoping šŸ“

Iā€™ll provide a clear scope of activites and deliverables you can expect. Work will start work upon signing.

šŸƒ Work

There will be a clear project plan with deliverables and timelines to stay accountable and deliver your solution.

Sign Off āœ…

Once all work is completed and delivered, weā€™ll revisit the scope to ensure all expectations have been met.

āœŒļø About Me

Thanks for visiting my site. Iā€™m a strategy & operations integrator and entrepreneur with 20 years of experience.

My differentiator and competitive advantage is my authentic curiosity. I love asking questions and I wonā€™t stop until I fully understand the concept. This enables me to get to the core of any business and immerse myself in its intricacies.

I thrive wearing multiple hats and excel in (1) setting clear strategies, (2) crafting structured action plans, (3) fostering focus & execution in teams, (4) harnessing data for informed decision-making, and (5) nurturing high performing teams.

The only thing I love more than a great team is a great spreadsheet.