Eisenhower Matrix


First things first. We all have a laundry list of to-dos and only a limited time to do them. While many people may be tempted to “multi-task”, in reality you can only really do one thing at a time. Of course you can work on a few things throughout the day, but you’re only doing one at a time. This leads to the question: what should you do first?

The Eisenhower Matrix is an excellent 2x2 framework for categorizing your to-do list. The 2 axes are impact versus urgency.

  1. Go through your to-do list on a regular basis and categorize them into these quardrants.

  2. Then pull them into an Asana project (with those categories) as a central place to track them all.

  3. Finally, add time blocks in your calendar each day to work on these tasks, and start your day with the most important thing! Don’t waste your morning with emails and small inconsequential tasks because it feels like you’re being productive. Start your day with the big tasks and make meaningful progress. You’ll be amazed how much progress you make when you focus on first things first.

Get in touch.

Schedule a free 30min call:

  • Talk through your top 2-3 pain points

  • Dig into the underlying drivers

  • Get actionable next steps for addressing the core issues

Getting an objective outsider perspective will help either validate your assumptions, or surface new angles to approach the problem.