

Disclaimer: I am not a marketing expert. But I do have some solid frameworks for building a marketing plan! One of the core marketing resources I rely on is Hubspot.

In my perspective, marketing should be a clearly defined activity with measurable results. Here are is a process and some tools to help.

  • Define your target market segment(s) (Hubspot article link)

    • Everything you do should focus on the wants and needs of these segment(s)

  • Perform market research!! Interiew your customers and learn about them

  • Define the problem you’re solving for these segment(s)

  • Map out your customer journey (Hubspot link)

  • Create SMART marketing objectives (Hubspot link)

  • Build a marketing mix strategy to fulfill these objectives using the 4P’s framework (Hubspot link)

  • Build specific campaigns to achieve your objectives. Use project management tools to track and evaluate progress on your campaigns.

Check out this example marketing plan prepared for a previous company.

Get in touch.

Schedule a free 30min call:

  • Talk through your top 2-3 pain points

  • Dig into the underlying drivers

  • Get actionable next steps for addressing the core issues

Getting an objective outsider perspective will help either validate your assumptions, or surface new angles to approach the problem.