OKRs & Performance


Make meaningfull progress every quarter. Create a fully aligned team where everyone knows their purpose and is working towards a common goal.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a proven method for setting goals that are fully aligned all throughout an organization through a cascading methodology. Collaborate with your team to set annual objectives to get everyone’s buy in and contributions in the process. Define what success looks like and how it’s measured. Help your team break down the larger goals into smaller tasks, then divide and conquer with quarterly objectives. In this respect everyone will feel engaged, aligned and empowered in the success of the organization. As the year progresses and you measure performance, reward the top performers as a positive feedback loop to encourage continued excellence from them and to demonstrate to the rest of the team that it pays off to achieve OKRs, further driving engagement and performance.

The OKRs will be tied back into individual Performance Management Plans (PMP) to set clear expectations. This has two benefits:

  1. Each person knows what is expected of them so there are no surprises or misalignment when it comes time for performance reviews.

  2. The PMP can be used to facilitate improvement discussions throughout the year to course-correct before things get too far off track and unrecoverable.

PMPs should be developed alongside job descriptions (JDs) and OKRs, reviewed with new employees during onboarding, and pre-scheduled for quarterly reviews at minimum.

Having a fully aligned team is a super power. When everyone is rowing in the same direction, work turns into fun, and success is inevitable.

Recommended tools

  • OKR tools

    • Rippling module (link)

    • 15five standalone tool (link)

    • Google Sheet template (link)

  • PMP template (link)

    • Also available as a Rippling Module (link)

  • Job Description (JD) template (link)

Get in touch.

Schedule a free 30min call:

  • Talk through your top 2-3 pain points

  • Dig into the underlying drivers

  • Get actionable next steps for addressing the core issues

Getting an objective outsider perspective will help either validate your assumptions, or surface new angles to approach the problem.